Children’s Day In Chongqing

To celebrate Children’s Day, our Family Village families in…

A Dairy Farm Visit Topped off by Chocolate Milk!

Some children in our preschool recently got to visit a dairy…

Never Say ‘I Can’t’

It always makes me sad when a child in my care says: “I can’t.”…

Global Impact: Half the Sky's Guy Russo

Source: When…

Opening Caregivers' Eyes

I began working at the Chenzhou SWI in 1998, the year Half the…

Two Jumping Brothers & A Jumping Fish

The families at the Hefei CWI recently enjoyed a day at a nearby…

Nannies Are the 'Lucky Ones'

I have been working as a nanny for over five years and I have…

Orphaned, but not alone

ORPHANED, BUT NOT ALONE The following article first appeared…

Finding XuanJie’s Voice

When I met Xuanjie, he was a tiny and lovely one-year-old baby. But…

Mom, You Must Get Better Soon!

My wife is a very dedicated foster mother in our Family Village…