Love, Nanny Wei Lian Fu

On March 25, 2013, Jill Mckinley met her son, Riyan James Cates…

A Better and Better Youth Newsletter

This summer, 30 teenagers and young adults in Half the Sky’s…

A Girl Without Choice

Talking with Guo can always make me feel happy. She is good at…

A Strong Girl—Xia

The first time I met Xia was in a vocational school, and she…

An Independent Girl—Zhen

I felt heartrending when reading Wang Li’s story for the first…

Growing Up

Each pain I experienced, each fight I struggled for life, each…

Zhou Jing From Chongqing

I grew up without my parents’ presence. I lived with my aunt.…

Xia Qinhong

I’m Xia Qinhong, such an ordinary girl who lives in the Nanning…

My Life Story

I came to this family when I was very young. I am lucky to have…

Wenjie's Recovery

When two and a half year old Wenje returned to the institution…