Youth Service Workshop Day 5

The confident man shown before us is Frank, a wise, confident,…

Youth Service Workshop Day 4

On the morning of August 4, Shao Liangliang, also a participant…

Youth Service Workshop Day 3

It is an honor that we have Jeffrey Chu, from China Union Pay,…

Youth Service Workshop Day 2

Day Two: We learned how to use the InDeign software which is…

Youth Service Workshop Day 1

Day One: On August 1, 2013, all the participants of Youth Newsletter…

Keeping ZiLong Warm

When ZiLong arrived at the China Care Home in March, the nurse…

A Mama Who Loves Me

Erer has beautiful dark eyes, just like grapes. Once a tiny,…

HeChuan & His Nanny

HeChuan was only five months when he joined Half the Sky’s…

Six Degrees of Fun and Fundraising

Long time Half the Sky supporter, Martha Groves, recently hosted…