The Safest Place in the World

When one-month-old DongLi came from the JiuJiang Welfare Institution…

Touching the Bottom of Each Child's Heart

At one time, I thought the idea that you could turn into a butterfly…

MengWei ("WeiWei")

When I first met WeiWei, she was lying in her crib. When I called…

Cold Hands and Warm Hearts

It seems strange to say that seeing cold hands brought me joy. But…

Step By Step

My name is Chen JianYing, 7 years old and I grow up in Chenzhou…

Tang Jie, Our Little Star

It was June of 2011, Children at school were studying hard for…

Even the Apples That Night Tasted Sweeter

When 7-year-old YanYan joined our family two-and-a-half years…

I Will Keep on Walking

I have a round face, with pink-and-white cheeks and a pair of…


XiaoMei is a one year and three months old girl from Baotou welfare…

HuaYang Cheers Up His Friend

Huayang is a five-year old boy who is full of joy. You can always…