
Learning About Trees

Outside our institution, we have a large tree. I like to take…

Never Say ‘I Can’t’

It always makes me sad when a child in my care says: “I can’t.”…

Li's Special Book

I am so happy that one special book changed one little boy's…

Little Trains and Loudspeakers

Most of the children in our preschool classroom have speech delays,…

Yiou, My Little Angel

Yiou is a six-year-old girl in my Little Sisters Preschool classroom…

In BingBing's Hands

I met BingBing the day she started preschool. All the other…

A Day in the Countryside

Children who do not live in orphanages can start taking excursions…

The Joy of Harvest

Standing at the window, I breathed in the cool air that felt…

The Best Present I Ever Received

September 10 is Teacher’s Day. It is also the day I first met…

MingJian's New World of Sounds

When I first saw MingJian he was three years old and had just…